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“The Cyclicality of Births and Babies' Health, Revisited: Evidence from Unemployment Insurance,” with Lisa Dettling, NBER working paper 30937, February 2023.​

The Causes and Consequences of Declining US Fertility,” with Phillip Levine, in ed. Melissa S. Kearney and Amy Ganz, "Economic Policy in a More Uncertain World,” Aspen Institute Economic Strategy Group, January 2023.

“The “college gap” in marriage and children’s family structure,” NBER working paper 30078. May 2022

“The US Covid-19 baby bust and rebound,” with Phillip B. Levine, Journal of Population Economics, vol 36(4), pages 2145-2168.

​“Will birth rates in the U.S. rebound? Probably Not.” Brookings Institution. May 24, 2021.

“The puzzle of falling birth rates since the Great Recession,” with Phillip B. Levine and Luke Pardue, Journal of Economic Perspectives, winter 2022, 36(1): 151-176.

"Half a Million Fewer Children? The Coming Covid Baby Bust.” with Phillip B. Levine, Brookings Institution. June 15, 2020.

“Child Poverty in the U.S.,” EconoFact, March 2020.

​“We could abolish child poverty in the U.S. with Social Security benefits for poor kids,EconoFact, March 2020.

“Widening Socioeconomic Differences in Children’s Family Structure,” EconoFact, June 2019.

“Early Childhood Education by Television: Lessons from Sesame Street ,” with Phillip Levine, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11(1), February 2019: 318-350.

“Male Earnings, Marriageable Men, and Non-Marital Fertility: Evidence from the Fracking Boom,” with Riley Wilson, Review of Economics and Statistics 100(4), October 2018: 678-690.

“The Economics of Non-Marital Childbearing and the Marriage Premium for Children,” with Phillip Levine, Annual Review of Economics (9), September 2017.

What Does Culture Have to Do With the American Dream?Institute for Family Studies blog, May 22, 2017, edited transcript of remarks given at American Enterprise Institute. 

The ‘marriage premium for children’ depends on family resources,” with Phillip Levine, Brookings Social Mobility Memos, May 13, 2017.

“Media Influences on Social Outcomes: The Impact of MTV’s 16 and Pregnant on Teen Childbearing,” with Phillip Levine, American Economic Review 105(12), 2015: 3597-3632.

“Investigating Recent Trends in the U.S. Teen Birth Rates,” with Phillip Levine, Journal of Health Economics (41), May 2015: 15-29.

“House Prices and Birth Rates: The Impact of the Real Estate Market on the Decision to Have a Baby,” with Lisa Dettling, Journal of Public Economics 110, February 2014: 1-166.

“Income Inequality and Early, Non-Marital Childbearing,” with Phillip Levine, Journal of Human Resources 49, winter 2014: 1-31.

​“Giving Secondary Earners a Tax Break: A Proposal to Help Low- and Middle-Income Families,” with Lesley Turner, The Hamilton Project Discussion Paper, December 2013. (Proposal introduced into federal legislation by U.S. Senator Murray, March 2014.)

“Why is the Teen Birth Rate So High in the United States and Why Does it Matter?” with Phillip Levine, Journal of Economic Perspectives 26(2), Spring 2012: 141-63.

"Subsidized Contraception, Fertility, and Sexual Behavior,” with Phillip Levine, Review of Economics and Statistics 91(1), October 2010: 137.

Policy essay here:

Reducing Unplanned Pregnancies through Medicaid Family Planning Services,” with Phillip Levine, Brookings CCF Brief number 39, July 2008. 

“Teen Pregnancy Prevention,” in ed. Phillip Levine and David Zimmerman, "Targeting Investments in Youth: Fighting Poverty when Resources are Limited," Princeton University Press, October 2010.

“Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Early Childbearing,” with Phillip Levine, in ed. Jonathan Gruber, "An Economics Perspective on the Problems of Disadvantaged Youth," University of Chicago Press, October 2009.

“Parental Education and Parental Time with Children,” with Jonathan Guryan and Erik Hurst, Journal of Economic Perspectives 22(3), Summer 2008: 23-46.

“Is There an Effect of Incremental Welfare Benefits on Fertility Behavior? A Look at the Family Cap” Journal of Human Resources 39(2), 2004: 295-325.



Family, Fertility, & Children

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