Social Policy & Government Programs
"A Proposal for an Enhanced Partially Refundable Child Tax Credit,” with Wendy Edelberg, The Hamilton Project, Brookings Institution, March 2023.
"The Cyclicality of Births and Babies' Health, Revisited: Evidence from Unemployment Insurance,” with Lisa Dettling, NBER working paper 30937, February 2023.
"Disability Insurance in the Great Recession: Ease of Access, Program Enrollment, and Local Hysteresis." with Brendan M. Price and Riley Wilson, AEA Papers and Proceedings , May 2021, 111: 486-90.
“Promoting Economic Recovery After Covid-19,” with Jason Furman, Timothy Geithner, and Glenn Hubbard, Aspen Economic Strategy Group Task Force Report, June 2020.
“Exposure on the Job: Who are the Essential Workers Who Cannot Work from Home?” with Luke Pardue, May 2020. Brookings Institute.
“Child Poverty in the U.S.,” EconoFact, March 2020.
“We could abolish child poverty in the U.S. with Social Security benefits for poor kids,” EconoFact, March 2020.
“COVID-19 Social Insurance Payments to U.S. Households,” with Luke Pardue, EconoFact, March 2020.
"We could abolish child poverty in the U.S. with Social Security benefits for poor kids,” EconoFact, March 2020.
"Promoting Economic Recovery After Covid-19” with Jason Furman, Timothy Geithner, and Glenn Hubbard, Aspen Economic Strategy Group Task Force Report, June 2020.
"Role Models, Mentors, and Media Influences,” with Phillip Levine, in ed. Melissa Kearney and Ron Haskins, “How Cultural Factors Shape Economic Outcomes,” Future of Children, June 2020.
"COVID-19 Social Insurance Payments to U.S. Households,” with Luke Pardue, EconoFact, March 2020.
"Widening Socioeconomic Differences in Children’s Family Structure,” EconoFact, June 2019.
"Early Childhood Education by Television: Lessons from Sesame Street,” with Phillip Levine, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11(1), February 2019: 318-350.
"How economic inequality shapes mobility expectations and behaviour in disadvantaged youth,” Alexander S. Browman, Mesmin Destin, and Phillip B. Levine, Nature Human Behaviour 3, February 2019: 214–220.
"Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a Policy Response to Current Challenges,” with Magne Mogstad, in ed. Melissa S. Kearney and Amy Ganz, "Maintaining the Strength of American Capitalism," Aspen Institute Economic Strategy Group, December 2019.
"Promoting economic security and upward mobility with programmes that support low-income families and youth,” in ed. Chad Bown, "Economics and Policy in the Age of Trump," VOXEU. June 2017.
"Welfare and the Federal Budget,” EconoFact, July 2017.
“What Does Culture Have to Do With the American Dream?” Institute for Family Studies blog, May 22, 2017, edited transcript of remarks given at American Enterprise Institute.
"The Supplemental Security Income Program” with Mark Duggan and Stephanie Rennane, in R. A. Moffitt (Ed.) "Economics of Means-Tested Transfer Programs in the U.S.," Volume II (pp. 1-58). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. 2016
“Would a significant increase in the top income tax rate substantially alter income inequality?” with William Gale and Peter Orszag, Brookings Institution. September 28, 2015.
Kearney, Melissa S. and Phillip Levine. “Teen Births are Falling: What’s Going on?” Brookings policy brief, March 2014.
“Giving Secondary Earners a Tax Break: A Proposal to Help Low- and Middle-Income Families," with Lesley Turner, The Hamilton Project Discussion Paper, December 2013. (Proposal introduced into federal legislation by U.S. Senator Murray, March 2014.)
"Giving Secondary Earners a Tax Break: A Proposal to Help Low- and Middle-Income Families." with Lesley Turner, The Hamilton Project Discussion Paper, December 2013. (Proposal introduced into federal legislation by U.S. Senator Murray, March 2014.)
"Exploring the Growth of the Child SSI Caseload in the Context of the Broader Policy and Demographic Landscape.” with Anna Aizer and Nora Gordon, Presented at NBER/SSA Disability Research Conference, Washington DC, Oct 2013.
"The Impact of Child SSI Enrollment on Household Outcomes: Evidence from the SIPP,” with Mark Duggan, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 26(4), 2007: 861-886.
"Reducing Unplanned Pregnancies through Medicaid Family Planning Services,” with Phillip Levine, Brookings CCF Brief number 39, July 2008.
"Is There an Effect of Incremental Welfare Benefits on Fertility Behavior? A Look at the Family Cap,” Journal of Human Resources 39(2), 2004: 295-325.